Hi, I tried to use the click event for the images. That approach was also not working. I will share the code once that I tried to implement but it just highlights the symbol.It's not changing the image.
let centroidRenderer = {
type: "simple",
symbol: {
type: "picture-marker",
// url: "https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/000/582/855/original/vector-location-pin-icon....",
url: "images/Location-map.png",
width: "26",
height: "26"
let locationpin = new FeatureLayer({
renderer: centroidRenderer
// var privateSchoolsPoly = new FeatureLayer({
// url:
// "https://services.arcgis.com/V6ZHFr6zdgNZuVG0/arcgis/rest/services/PrivateSchoolEnrollmentNoRendering...",
// outFields: ["*"],
// opacity: 0.8,
// renderer: renderer,
// });
let symbol;
view.when(async () => {
const layerView = await view.whenLayerView(locationpin);
view.on('click', async (e) => {
const {results} = await view.hitTest(e);
try {
const { graphic } = results.find(x => x.graphic.attributes.OBJECTID);
(symbol.url==" https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/000/582/855/original/vector-location-pin-icon....")
symbol.url==" images/Location-map.png"
// fWidget.graphic = graphic;
symbol = layerView.highlight(graphic);
} catch(err) {}
view.when(function() {