[esri.renderers.RasterStretchRenderer] DEPRECATED - Property: statistics
️ Replacement: customStatistics
Version: 4.31
I updated my CDN from 4.27 to 4.31 and now I'm getting this warning. I think it's coming from the imagery2024 constructor. I don't have any statistics set in the code as my layers are in webmaps. I'm unsure how to fix it. Codepen
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://js.arcgis.com/4.31/esri/themes/light/main.css" />
<script src="https://js.arcgis.com/4.31/"></script>
], (Map, MapView, Search, Locate, LayerList, ImageryLayer, Legend, Expand, Swipe, WebMap, RasterFunction) => {
//webmap IDs
const webmapids = [
"e67a8eb6768641c19d4a7c5df394dbf4", //DTM
"bfc5b0242adb42bfb0fc41e54497dfc8", //DSM
"6ed3d2e495db4e859a73d2a32ce3d576", //HEDEM
"d653b18bc941458491e06e657e10f393", //Intensity
"a9ab25b1c7204764b2fabad6fc7a4635", //IR
"e6bab92ebc524072a3305ec8f128e8f8", //Soil
"2f9acebfb8db4e10bb6dddab8d3239c7", //ClosedDepressions
* Create multiple WebMap instances
const webmaps = webmapids.map((webmapid) => {
return new WebMap({
portalItem: {
// autocasts as new PortalItem()
id: webmapid,
// add image services used in the swipe map
const imagery2024 = new ImageryLayer({
url: "https://gis.willcountyillinois.com/image/rest/services/Orthoimagery/Orthos_2024_3IN/ImageServer",
rasterFunction: [],
renderer: {
type: "raster-stretch", //I added this while debugging: no difference
* Initialize the View with the first WebMap
const view = new MapView({
map: webmaps[0],
container: "viewDiv",
constraints: {
maxScale: 500,
minScale: 300000,
console.log('construct the view')
Hi there,
You needn't worry about these errors since your code does not touch statistics. This will be updated in the MapViewer in coming release.