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Access to Previous Versions of ArcGIS API JS Documentation

11-29-2024 01:15 AM
Status: Already Offered
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Hi everyone,

I frequently reference the ArcGIS API documentation (e.g.,
While the URL contains "latest" in the path, suggesting the possibility of accessing previous documentation versions, this functionality doesn't seem to be available.

Having access to previous versions of the documentation would be valuable for several reasons:

  • Supporting applications built with older API versions during migration periods
  • Understanding deprecated features and their replacements
  • Helping developers maintain legacy applications
  • Tracking API evolution and changes over time

Many other development platforms (like React, Angular, or Python) provide access to documentation for previous versions. This feature would be a helpful addition to the ArcGIS development ecosystem.

Would it be possible to implement versioned documentation access, perhaps through a version selector or by allowing URL parameters for specific versions?

Best regards

1 Comment
Status changed to: Already Offered

While not available online, esri does provide the ability to download the documentation for earlier versions:

As far as "Understanding deprecated features and their replacements" and "Tracking API evolution and changes over time", you might also find useful.