ArcGIS for Power Automate V2 - New Capabilities and GCC Availability

06-22-2022 07:46 AM
Esri Contributor
2 0 451

This release includes three triggers to create web hooks listening for new records, updated records, or deleted records. The release also includes new data management actions that allow flows to handle inserts, updates, and deletes in ArcGIS Online hosted feature layers.

New Triggers to create web hooks to fire when there are changes to hosted feature layersNew Triggers to create web hooks to fire when there are changes to hosted feature layers


Another exciting piece of news - the ArcGIS Connector for Power Automate is now available in US Government (GCC Low). If your system is deployed in this tenant, you can now access all the capabilities and access geoenrichment, geocoding, and routing services to add demographics and location information to your automated business processes.

Check the documentation for more information.