ArcGIS for Autocad 400 - Autocad 2020 - WMTS

01-05-2021 02:01 PM
New Contributor

Im trying to add my Drone Deploy imagery service to my autocad project. I have added and shared the WMTS to my organization in my esri portal. I can see it in the portal as well as Pro and in arcmap. When I search for the service in the arcgis to autocad 400 plug in it cannot find it. I have also tried to just add the specified URL with no luck. Can the plug in not handle a WMTS service? can it only work with a WMS service? 

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4 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi Westley.  No, ArcGIS for AutoCAD doesn't support WMTS Service Layers. 

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New Contributor III

@KarenHodge Im experiencing the exact same issue with a WMS. Safe to assume that is also unsupported?

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Esri Contributor

Yes, Simon.  WMS services are not supported.

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New Contributor III

I have requested this capability to ideas.  If you want to give it some traction.  Please up vote.