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ArcGIS GIS Server 10.9 Error: Invalid http method

11-08-2022 05:50 AM
New Contributor II


We use ArcGIS for Server 10.9 on Windows Server 2016. Address: The services are running very well, performance is okay. Nevertheless, the logs show numerous error messages that all contain the same message "AutomationException: Invalid http method":

For example:

<Msg time="2022-11-01T08:53:54,583" type="SEVERE" code="8001" source="WISA/AT_GBA_TIEFENGRUNDWAESSER500.MapServer" process="17808" thread="25" methodName="" machine="***.GEOLOGIE.AC.AT" user="" elapsed="" requestID="">Instance of service 'WISA/AT_GBA_TIEFENGRUNDWAESSER500.MapServer' failed to process a request. AutomationException: Invalid http method.</Msg>

<Msg time="2022-11-01T08:54:02,5" type="SEVERE" code="8001" source="G1000/AT_GBA_G1000_PLATTEN_DECKEN.MapServer" process="11960" thread="25" methodName="" machine="***.GEOLOGIE.AC.AT" user="" elapsed="" requestID="">Instance of service 'G1000/AT_GBA_G1000_PLATTEN_DECKEN.MapServer' failed to process a request. AutomationException: Invalid http method.</Msg>

Error handling request to service 'website_kartenverteiler/website_kartenverteiler_gk50.MapServer'. java.lang.Exception: AutomationException: 0x80070057 - Invalid http method. in '"esriCarto.WMSServer"'

What do these error messages indicate? I am thankful for every hint!!


Severe Error MessageSevere Error Message

6 Replies
Esri Contributor
Use https not http.
MVP Regular Contributor

Have you published the service with the WMS capability?

one of my clients has their server flooded with WFS and WMS errors like this.  It turns out that a stakeholder is aware that you can get WMS and WFS from an ArcGIS Server so they repeatedly ask for it.  There is no business case or requirement to use them, and WFS wouldn’t be supported as they use file geodatabases and not enterprise GDBs.

the external user who asks for something that doesn’t exist is creating errors!  It’s frustrating.

Scott Tansley
New Contributor II

@ NathanEnge and @Scott_Tansley  : Thank you for your answers!!

@Scott_Tansley :

Have you published the service with the WMS capability?

Yes, we have enabled WMS, but not WFS.


If I understand you correctly, users (maybe via an app or automated) try to get an answer as WFS. Since we don't provide WFS, we get an error message? 

Best Regards


0 Kudos
MVP Regular Contributor

To be clear, in the case I described, the map service was published with no additional capabilities.  "Someone" (app/automated process) was asking for the service as WMS, and it was generating WMS errors.  Also "Someone" was asking for the service as WFS, and it was generating WFS errors.

My question was because of the error message:

"Invalid http method. in '"esriCarto.WMSServer"

Given that you've turned on WMS Server, people can ask and should get a response. 

If you have followed all the instructions here:

Then my next question would be have you assigned a particular version of WMS.  If you've chosen to publish version 1.0, and someone has a 1.3.0 client, then they could be asking for things that don't exist and your server can't support.  WMS configuration (unlike WFS) is normally pretty simple if you accept all the defaults.

Scott Tansley
New Contributor II

Thanks for your answer, I understand!

We configured WMS with 1.3.0.

But it actually looks like the server is asking questions that it can't answer.


Best Regards

0 Kudos
New Contributor II

I have hit the same error message about 'Invalid http method' on a WMS service, hosted on ArcGIS Enterprise Version: 10.9.1 (build 28388).

In my case, I have isolated the issue to the client app sending HTTP OPTIONS requests to the server, as well as the HTTP GET requests.

The HTTP GET requests are successful and receiving tiles, and so the WMS layer works as expected in the client app.

However each of the HTTP OPTIONS requests fail with HTTP code 400. The requests lead to the SEVERE level logs in ArcGIS server, as seen in the original post.

screenshot shows the failing OPTIONS requests in the browser network tools:
