When our users were licensing pro as a named user with an add-on license, we could query the portal for users who have that add-on license and access when they last used it, determine if it was checked out, etc. Something like this:
arcgisProLicense = gis.admin.license.get('ArcGIS Pro')
entitlement = arcgisProLicense.user_entitlement(user.username)
if entitlement and 'entitlements' in entitlement:
hasProLicense = "TRUE"
if 'lastLogin' in entitlement:
proTimestamp = entitlement['lastLogin']
if (proTimestamp > 0):
proLastUsed = datetime.fromtimestamp(proTimestamp / 1000)
if 'disconnected' in entitlement:
if (entitlement['disconnected']):
proLicenseCheckedOut = "TRUE"
if 'disconnectedInfo' in entitlement:
proLicenseCheckOutStartDate = datetime.fromtimestamp(entitlement['disconnectedInfo']['disconnectedSince'] / 1000)
proLicenseCheckOutEndDate = datetime.fromtimestamp(entitlement['disconnectedInfo']['disconnectedUntil'] / 1000)
With the switch to user types like 'GISProfessionalBasicUT' and 'GISProfessionalStdUT', this entitlement is not available from the license. Sure it becomes implicit that the user does have access to a pro license, but how would I access the metadata that is available for Creators with an add-on license. I still want to be able to log when software was last used, etc.
Thank you in advance.
Have you tried using the report property on the License:
This returns a panda's dataframe that reports all the entitlements for this license. It has a column called: Users
You can get information from this column on who has this entitlement and when it was last used.
Thank you for this suggestion. The dataframe returned only shows entitlements for 'desktopBasicN' which are the add-on licenses for Creator user types. This is the data I can already get using the methodology above. Missing from the dataframe are entries for GIS Professional Advanced and GIS Professional Standard. As far as I can see, this method has the exact same limitation as my original approach. This is on Enterprise v11.1 Is this a bug or known limitation or am I doing something wrong?
The complete dataframe returned:
The user licenses available: