Has something changed recently with Public shared surveys so you can no longer edit and resend a sent survey?? I know this may not be a common workflow, but I have several public shared surveys where it is understood that the sender may need to on occasion make corrections to their sent survey. This has always worked in the past but recently I've noticed that the survey field app now throws an error and will not send these surveys. There is not error message it just references the survey instance fields. I have double and triple checked all the permissions and sharing, and it still doesn't work. I also checked with a logged in user and it works fine for them. For now, I have switched these to allowing the "copy to new survey" option from the sent folder but this is not ideal. I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this and maybe I'm just missing something? Josh
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04:10 PM
Hello, I am having a problem setting up a Power Automate Flow to create and email a Survey123 Report. Having never done this before, I've set up this flow based on what I could find online in the various blogs. The first 3 parts works fine. It will create the report and uploads it successfully to one drive. I can even open the pdf from there. Problem is when the reports gets emailed as an attached pdf, you can't open the pdf. All you get is there error. I'm at a loss as to what the issue is here. Does anyone know how to resolve this?
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12:14 PM
Patrick, I checked and it was not set up. Now that it is set up the script ran successfully this morning so it looks like its good to go now! Thanks for the help! Josh
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05:28 AM
Patrick, I have been trying to implement this admin dashboard solution but I keep running into an issue with the automated Notebook script failing every time it runs. It keeps giving me the attached error message. I am not a python programmer so i am at a lost as to how to fix this. Do you or anybody else have any experience with this error? Josh
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04:22 PM
Hi I'd like to see the ability to use the button widget to quickly filter and update attributes in a data source. This would work similar to quick capture where you can program a button widget to populate certain fields. For efficiency this should be able to mass update multiple records that are selected either from a quick selection button or from using filter widgets or list widgets. No more than 2 clicks to select and update. My use case scenario is utility inspections and damage assessments during a major storm event where current workflows result in significant time being spent reviewing survey123 inspections and prioritizing/ assigning work. Currently our users are using a dashboard with an embedded survey but this is editing at a snail pace partly because of the very slow load time of the survey and the one at a time editing limits of this method. This all is very frustrating for our non gis users because for the majority of work the edits are the same, updating a status field and assigning a crew. I know I can use the batch editor tool in wab to do mass updates but that is not a 1 click solution either and a wap map does not work with the filtering or widgets of a dashboard or experience builder app so that would be a no go for us. My ideal solution would be to have a row or list of configurable buttons in a dashboard style environment that will change the status of inspections I have selected and assign a crew to them. I can also see having the buttons configurable on the fly by the end user. That way if a new crew is brought on during the storm they can add or update the button at will rather than having to go back to me. Other potential addons for this could be using the button to email a screenshot of the dashboard or a csv download or report of the data. I recently have started getting into experience builder and was excited to see a button option but was disappointed with it limited use at this time. I really hope this is something that will be seriously considered by esri. I strongly believe investing in easy to use flexible out of the box time saving solutions like this will pay huge dividends for esri and will provide increased value for thier customers. Frankly it's what will either help sell your products to management or completely turn them off. Josh
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04:59 AM
This would be a great addition! I would also like to see the user be able to change the sorting on List elements as well but i would put that as secondary to tables.
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08:40 AM
Esri, Please enact something like this soon. Without being able to control which fields and which attributes can be edited the edit multiple option is unusable for our organization. I would also add that the edit multiple option should follow the same form and conditional/ required rules that you set up for adding a new feature. Josh
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10:50 AM
Hey thanks that worked! I thought it didn't at first because it still fails in Survey123 Connect but once i tried it in the field app it worked as expected. Josh
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11:02 AM
Hello, I am having trouble with the Pulldata function when trying to work with a agol hosted csv file. My goal is to use a Pulldata function to do a lookup on a hosted csv file using the devices "deviceid" to return the users name and possibly additional info in the future. My formula pulldata('myusers', 'users', 'devices', ${ms_deviceid}) appears correct from what i can tell but it does not return anything. I've attached my test survey and csv file that i'm working with. PS The reason i'm trying to grab the user name this way instead of using the username field is that not all my users will have a esri login. This will be a publicly shared survey. Josh
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07:10 AM
Johannes, Tried your expression above and it worked great! See below... Really appreciate the help!! Have a good holiday! Josh
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10:40 AM
I really appreciate the help! That did get rid of the error for me but unfortunately my expression doesn't give me a running sum total like i thought it was going to. I don't have much experience writing these types of expressions so its a bit of searching around trying this and that. Josh
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08:54 AM
Hello, I am having trouble creating a cumulative chart for my dashboard using a modified arcade expression (see below). It doesn't give me an error or anything it just spits out this empty feature set. Any help would be appreciated! Josh var portal = Portal(""); var vendor = GroupBy( FeatureSetByPortalItem(portal,"********************",0,["*"],false), ["Invoice_Date"], [ { name: "Invoice_Total", expression: "Invoice_Total", statistic: "SUM" } ] ); var combinedDict = { fields: [ { name: "date1", type: "esriFieldTypeDate" }, { name: "cost1", type: "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, ], geometryType: "", features: [], }; var i = 0; // Loop through each FeatureSet and store its attributes for (var v in vendor) { combinedDict.features[i++] = { attributes: { date1: "Invoice_Date", cost1: v["Invoice_Total"], }, }; } //return combinedDict; // Return dictionary cast as a FeatureSet return FeatureSet(Text(combinedDict));
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02:30 PM
Hello, First of all I am a beginner to all but the most basic arcade expressions so this is all brand new to me. I want to be able to create cumulative charts that sum a value and allow the data to be parsed by date. The example i'm trying here is to sum all my invoices starting from Jan 1st, 2021 going forward. I've modified the below expression which I got from the above post . Seems like it should work but all i get is a Execution Error: Error. Not very helpful for troubleshooting. Is there something i'm missing??? I feel like its probably with my filter date expression but that just a guess. Josh // Get your input layer var fs = FeatureSetByPortalItem(Portal('***********'), '************', 0, ['Invoice_Date', 'Invoice_Total'], false) // Filtering input to a single quarter. var invoices_21 = Filter(fs, "Invoice_Date > '2021-01-01'") // Grouping by sale date to get per-date total var invoicing = GroupBy(invoices_21, 'Invoice_Date', {name: 'total', expression: 'Invoice_Total', statistic: 'SUM'}) var fs_dict = { fields: [ {name:'date', type:'esriFieldTypeDate'}, {name:'running_sum', type:'esriFieldTypeDouble'}], geometryType: '', features: [] } var i = 0 for(var s in invoicing){ // Get all dates before or equal to date var filt_date = s['Invoice_Date'] var running_sum_fs = Filter(invoicing, "Invoice_Date <= @filt_date") // Populate dict fs_dict.features[i] = { attributes: { 'date': filt_date, 'running_sum': Sum(running_sum_fs, 'total') } } console(filt_date) console(sum(running_sum_fs, 'Invoice_Total')) i ++ } return featureset(text(fs_dict))
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09:49 AM
This is a hugely needed capability. In my view it is a frustrating mind boggling limitation to an otherwise excellent program. I agree it should be up to the form developer and should be able to be applied to some or all the questions as needed and be dynamic. I hope this makes it to development soon. Josh
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04:06 PM
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