we figured out an unintended behaviour when drawing a freehand polyline or polygon with the sketch editor. On our capacitive and resistive Windows 7 touch PCs drawing the TouchUp point is overshot related to the acceleration of the drawing. So far we understand it, this has to do with the flick gesture and disabled it in the MapView. But afterwards the behaviour remains the same.
Our expectation is that the drawing line ends where the thumb is lifted up (Touch up event). But the end point is set to a point more far away in the drawing direction. This can simply be reproduced with the attached VS2017 C# Demo project by fast drawing a freehand polyline on a touch device.
Is this an indended behaviour of the sketch editor and can we deactivate/control this behaviour?
We use the ArcGis Runtime .Net for WPF in Version 100.3, but it is also in Version 100.4.
Thank you for reporting this. I have logged an issue for SketchEditor to not respond to flick.
Meanwhile, you can complete the draw by calling SketchEditor.Stop. Will this work for you?
MyMapView.ManipulationDelta += (s, e) =>
if (e.IsInertial && MyMapView.SketchEditor.IsEnabled && MyMapView.SketchEditor.CreationMode == SketchCreationMode.FreehandLine || MyMapView.SketchEditor.CreationMode == SketchCreationMode.FreehandPolygon)
The given workaround has some sideeffects in our setup. Previously discussed under this topic.
Completing the SketchEditor with a double click sometimes causes the application to crash
So we have to wait for the fixed release.
Kind regards