In ArcMap we had used a font called Myriad Pro, I was wondering if there was any way to load this font into ArcGIS Pro to use in a text element in the map layout.
You should be able to modify a text element in a map layout in ArcGIS Pro to use any system font you have installed on your machine.
Are you asking how to do this programmatically using the Pro SDK?
Dear Uma,
I am facing a similar issue. I have a custom font which I isntall to machine (Windwos 10 by double-click). ArcMap can read this font without problem.
But PRO 2.4 does not see the font. I found oout, that the font is missing in C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\Fonts.
When the font was copied there it starts working in Pro too. Is this a proper way?
Thank you.
Hi Vladimir
Pro loads the systems fonts directly at startup. Can you give me a little more information as to how you are trying to use or "See" the system fonts in Pro? Is it via an add-in? Can you please share a code snippet if so.
For example, here is the Pro's labeling properties dockpane. I am able to see all my system fonts. I installed news fonts and when I launch pro subsequently, I "See" those fonts.
Have the same issue. My font is there in all programs, including arcmap, but not in Pro.
Try to restart, try with other fonts but, Pro 2.4 doesn't, at start up, look in the font directory to load it. I restart pro, restart my win 10 and nothing there. No fonts.
I do the same as Vladimir and, bingo, the font is now in Pro.
I suppose it's again a bug.
Thanks, Vladimir!
This solved it for me. I can now see my new font in Pro. Thank you for posting this!
Hello dear all,
I have the same issue. After installing a new font, the font does not work in ArcGIS Pro 2.4 . If I copy the new font in to C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\Fonts , than font work in ArcGIS Pro. Looks like it's a BUG.
Thanks, David.
Can you please provide me with more info so I can reproduce this issue?
1. What font are you installing?
2. In ArcGIS Pro, how do you use this font? (Via the Labeling, Layouts, Symbology pane, etc).
I am trying it with some of the fonts from Google, and I am able to access it from Pro in the above mentioned dockpanes after I restart the application. If you could give me a little more information, I can inform the Fonts team to report the issue.
Hello Uma,
thanks for reply. It's interesting you are not able to reproduce this issue. I also download some random font, in this case I use first font from this site: it's name is: Ants Valley. I extracted this zip file and right click on it and install there.
I use this font for labels. I use comma for decimal separator.
Also I created case on Esri Support for our customer and #02380287 is my number.
Thanks, David.
Thanks David. I now see the problem with the font. ttf fonts (example: Google Fonts ) seems to work.
I will post on this thread with updates.