I have been working on a few custom widgets for the Web App Builder, but I would like some input as to what widget/functionality people are wanting most.
The WAB has several great OTB widgets but what (realistic) widgets are missing and would be (in your opinion) great to have?
Sorry guys that is a bit out of my control.
Hi Robert, I know your list is large and getting larger by the day I'm sure. One thing still lacking is a decent print widget. It would be great to have a way to grab the image on the screen along with the selected data and produce a single page image (property report in my case), but the use of this could be endless for all walks of GIS life.
Thanks for all your great work! norm
I couldn't agree more with Norm. A print widget that can be generated at certain scales or extents, comibined with attribute data into a table, from either a selection or query would be a wonderful addition. While im wishing, if it could include fancy widget charts/graphs like in Operation dashboards would be a home run. For us, hard copy output is still an critical part of our workflow.
Thanks again, for all you do for the Widget community, Robert.
Refresh Cache button on attribute table toolbar.
Let me edit and set as only selectable layer on one command... or button to make editable layer only selectable layer. I always have to do both steps when I edit.
First of all thanks Robert for all your work.
1. ElevationsSOE widget for WAB supporting own published DHMs (image service) with printable chart and profile from the map
2. Operational layer switcher/fader for WAB with custom labeling (one op. Layer switches on and the other one switches off)
3. Printing with report of selected features (also for WAB)
4. Image Service pixel identify (for DHM height extracting)
Query Widgets
There is an OTB Query widget in WAB and there is my eSearch Widget as well.
i Used both and i love E-search widget
I don't need a full blown identify widget but just the ability to view all of the popup responses in one window without needing to page through them. Just loop through the result array and pack them into one window. That would be great.