We’re doing some research into how the Attribute Assistant is being used. We’d like to see what rules you are using and how you configured your dynamic value table.
This information will help us plan for the future. We want to know what are the most common rules. We also want to see your gnarly and complicated rules to see how far the Attribute Assistant is being pushed.
So please share your dynamic value table along with any comments you have in this thread. We appreciate your help on this effort!
ArcGIS Solutions
PS: If you don’t know what the Attribute Assistant is (or aren’t sure if you are using it already) no worries. You can learn more about Attribute Assistant on the ArcGIS Solution site here.
A little bit of further testing would seem to indicate that it matters when AA is toggled on in relation to the edit session...
I first edited the config file to alter the following, in order to maintain explicit control over the order of operations:
"AttributeAssistant_EnabledOnStartUp" value="False"
"AttributeAssistant_EnabledOnStartEditing" value="False"
"AttributeAssistant_ClearLastValue" value="True"
"AttributeAssistant_ClearLastValueStopEdit" value="True"
I reopened my edit MXD, making sure that AA was off. I started an edit session, and then toggled AA on. At that point, the CURRENT_USER method will grab the appropriate database username. If this is done in reverse, or if AA is already toggled on, prior to an edit session being started, it seems that the CURRENT_USER variable remains unset/null.
We're encountering some unexpected behavior with regard to related records... We're currently testing the interaction between AA and some custom edit tools we also have in place for our RoadCenterline feature class and two related table(s) in SDE. I'm using AA to obtain new SEG_IDs using the GenerateID table (on create). Because the ID values are generated on create, they're already present when our custom tools pull the attribute values into a data grid to be presented in a form for further user interaction. That works fine. In addition to the main segment tab, the user form also has an Alias tab where the editors can provide road name alias detail to be added to the related Road_Name_Alias related table (1:0-M relationship). This relationship uses the SEG_ID as the primary/foreign key. What's supposed to occur is that the tools read the current segment's SEG_ID and apply it to the SEG_ID of the alias record being created. However, what appears to be happening (according to our developer tracing the code) is that AA is firing again, to create new ID values for the new Alias record - despite the fact that there are NO linked record method(s) whatsoever defined in the DynamicValue table. Nothing should be triggering AA to be generating another ID... But, because it apparently is, it clobbers the creation of the related record, dropping it altogether.
This same issue is also affecting the custom tool's code which handles the splitting/merging of segments - i.e. the deletion/creation of split/merged related records.
Our developer found this BUG (BUG-000103189 Attribute Assistant Copy Linked Record method, fails to run when making a geometry cha... ), but I'm not clear that it relates to our issue, since it presupposes that you'd have the Copy Linked Record method in the DynamicValue table in the first place - which we don't.
Any ideas what might be occurring?
#GenerateID #RelatedRecords #LinkedRecords
Hard to tell without seeing your dynamic value. What other rules are set on the Alias table? Can you turn on the AA Debug log and post it?
Then I am not sure, the log file shows it is only firing on the source table. Maybe I do not understand what is happening.
I've requested the full output/logging from our developer of our other tools, as well, hoping to see what the interaction is. The AA log shows nothing. I'll forward anything pertinent that might be useful. Thx.
I see that the current release of the Attribute Assistant does not support ArcMap 10.4.1. Our firm and most of our water utility clients are still on 10.4.1 because of dependencies on other software, like Innovyze InfoWater.
Is there a link to the older release of the Attribute Assistant that supported 10.4?
We need to be able to provide that copy to our clients.
I actually compile the AA on 10.2. The current version should have no issue with 10.4.
That's good to hear; thanks for confirming that Michael. It's been working on 10.4 for me.
Any idea why it's not listed as supported on the Solutions page? I need to recommend to our clients on how to download the Add-In, and this will raise doubts about installing it on their systems.
Requirement | Description |
Software | Desktop
10.4.1 is in mature support. We remove support of the add-ins once they move to mature.