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Batch Watershed Delineation for Polygons

10-10-2013 12:23 PM
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Deactivated User

I am having some trouble with the Batch Watershed Delineation for Polygons tool in ArcHydro. I am using data from the NHD Plus Version 2 data set, and arcgis 10.0 with the spatial analyst extension. Right now I have a flow direction grid, flow accumulation grid and the polygon I am intersted in finding the watershed for (a pond) loaded into the map. The tool will run and produce an output shapefile, but there is nothing in the attribute table of that output. I have everything in the same coordinate system.

Does anybody have any suggestions as to why nothing is being produced? Or an alternative to this tool that might work better? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
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Deactivated User
no suggestions at this time...!
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