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ArcGIS Online as a Living Atlas | Q & A's

01-21-2015 12:16 PM
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ArcGIS Online as a Living Atlas | Q & A's

Here are the Q & A's from the ArcGIS Online as a Living Atlas Webinar. Please comment below if you have any further questions.

  • Q1: What license levels are needed to utilize the Living Atlas?
  • A1: All you need is an ArcGIS Online organizational account, which comes free with any Desktop license.

  • Q2: How do I get to the Living Atlas from ArcMap?
  • A2: From an item’s description page, you have the option to “Open in Desktop.” Or, from within ArcMap, you can connect to any of our Living Atlas servers and access the data from ArcCatalog. We also have a special tool for accessing data from the Landscape theme: Future versions of ArcMap (and ArcGIS Pro) will be more closely integrated with the Living Atlas.

  • Q3: I’m curious about how many people are participating on the webinar?
  • A3: About 250 logged in to watch it live.

  • Q4: Is this webinar being recorded?
  • A4: This webinar is being recorded and is here.

  • Q5: Does using the Living Atlas consume credits?
  • A5: Most of the Living Atlas maps do not consume credits. Premium content, which will consume credits when used in geoprocessing operations, are clearly labeled as such in the item description.

  • Q6: When will NAIP 2013 & 2014 be added to the NAIP Imagery layer?
  • A6: The 2013 imagery is already included in the NAIP Imagery layer, and 2014 will be added as soon as it is publicly available.

  • Q7: Is there any schedule for the NASA SMAP Soil Moisture Active Passive data be uploaded?
  • A7: The satellite hasn’t launched yet. We are, however, very excited about this mission and once the data feed is available to the public we will work on ingesting it into an image service.

  • Q8: What is the timeframe to add the 2001 NLCD? Including pixel changes
  • A8:  This is not currently on our agenda, but if enough users request it, we will add it.

  • Q9: It seems that many of the maps do not list an appropriate scale, where is the metadata?
  • A9: All the maps have a description page that should contain this information, as well as a link back to the source of the data. If you feel an item description is incomplete for a specific map, feel free to tell us in a comment on the description page.

  • Q10: How do I go to the apps that are being demonstrated?
  • A10: You can find all the resources links here.

  • Q11: How can I get to the Living Atlas within AGOL?
  • A11: When adding data to an ArcGIS Online web map, choose the “Browse Esri Map Layers” option to limit your searches to our curated content.

  • Q12: Does the watershed delineation tool require NHDPlus as the analytical base?
  • A12: You have the option to use NHDPlus or HydroSheds as the analytical base. Because those data are part of the Living Atlas, you do not need to download anything when using the watershed delineation tool.

  • Q13: How do you judge ‘great cartography?’
  • A13: The color scheme and pop-up windows should tell a story about your data.

  • Q16: Can I add also Feature services like boundaries to the living atlas?
  • A16: Yes, please do.  “Boundaries and Places” is one of our Living Atlas themes.

  • Q17: Will you be adding HAZUS data to AGO?
  • A17: Some data layers required by HAZUS can be found in our Demographics and Transportation themes. FEMA also has an ArcGIS Online page you can see here:

  • Q18: Will you be including data from the Atlas of Living Australia?
  • A18: This looks like a great data collection, thanks for the ti
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Version history
Last update:
‎01-21-2015 12:16 PM
Updated by:
Anonymous User