Our sign inventory has not been fully completed or field truthed yet, however we got it started with interns driving the City using Google Street View and using our high quality (1/4 ft per pixel) imagery to locate and identify signs. We also had an intern go through the MUTCD and create sign blade symbols Esri didn't have using a program I found online called Font Creator. Using this program the intern found a method for importing images from MUTCD(CA) .pdfs or field photos and such to create the fonts.
The biggest obstacle for ArcGIS is how to map symbols for multiple signs on a single post. It is not advantageous to just have dots on a map, field crews and decision makers need to be able to visualize the different signs at each location (which ones the speed limit sign?). Trying to overcome this we tried several things but we were not successful. The project is currently stalled until we resolve how to track assemblies of multiple signs at a given location (fixed to the same pole). Can someone share some insights or ideas for symbolizing & tracking multiple signs at one location?
I am not sure whether our solution in mapping multiple signs on one pole can be adopted in ArcGIS (we have done it on open source software). The idea is to draw a line with two segments:
the first segment's direction shows sign activity direction;
the point between segments is the actual sign position (pole position);
the end point of the second segment is the place where to draw map sign symbol.
When symbolizing the feature the first segment is not drawn, it is used only for calculating sign direction field and rotating sign symbol, so you can also draw line with one segment and input angle field value manually.
Sounded more complicated than it is 🙂
You can see in screenshots how it looks symbolized and how it looks when drawing:
We are drawing a Linestring and symbolizing 2nd segment's both endpoints - starting point is the sign exact position and end point is the sign face on map. In DB we also automatically extract sign exact point for use in advanced spatial searches. We have also cases with signs next to each other on one pole e.g. in the middle of picture:
You are right, this approach requires more manual input as one must place also sign face on the map, but it is certainly more visually enjoyable, cause sign faces are drawn away from the road and the map never looks crowded. Sign faces are symbolized in map units, so it looks good in all zoom levels. It looks more like CAD system, not GIS.
Actually at first we also implemented approach where each sign had a field with a vertical order number, but it was difficult to symbolize such a signs cause sign symbol heights are different. Also, map was much too overcrowded and we had to think for an approach to get sign faces away from the street.
System is managing ~40000 signs (Riga city, Latvia).