The error reads:
One or more layers failed to draw:
005tesst: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '(005tesst.OBJECTID = 005tesst_Shape_Index.IndexedObjectId and MaxGX >= 15821395 and MinGX <= 16043471 and MaxGY >= 879663 and MinGY <= 1050186)'.
005tesst: General function failure [005tesst]
Yes I do see ArcEditor on the top. Yes it is in a feature dataset inside a personal geodatabase in a temp file. The data does have gaps but for my purposes the gaps are alright because this is all based on old and new survey information and filling gaps will jeopardize the validity of the data. My main concern is overlapping polygons.
So I am able to create the feature class, create new topology for it, but when I bring it into ArcEditor I am not able to work with the feature class. Like I can't even zoom in without the error. Could I have done something wrong when creating the components?
Thanks to everyone for your help, it's really appreciated!