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So is the older (2017) iteration of ArcGIS Local Government Information Model (LGIM) effectively dead?

06-10-2020 07:28 AM
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Frequent Contributor

I have used the LGIM schema for our enterprise data at two previous jobs, and it works great. I recently started a new job for a local government that has a ton of data with no organization whatsoever. This is pretty much the perfect use case for implementing the LGIM schema. I want to bring our disorganized data into one centralized enterprise database. I am following the workflow here and have run into an issue. I am getting a Microsoft.NET Framework error that won't allow me to open the XML workspace document. I have searched for hours and found nothing. I am currently on the phone with the 4th ESRI tech support agent that I have talked with this morning. Each one has basically said that it wasn't their department and then transferred me to a different person. The lack of training on this by the tech support staff and the lack documentation on it after 2017 makes me think that it must not be the intended workflow anymore. Is there some replacement that I have missed that will allow me to quickly stand up a template geodatabase loaded with the feature classes and domains that are commonly used by local governments?

Update: In case anyone else gets the Microsoft.NET Framework error when using X-ray to open the XML workspace, we were finally able to resolve the issue using the Microsoft.NET Framework Repair Tool. After running this tool, I no longer received that error.

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5 Replies
Frequent Contributor

I used LGIM  to create Water/Stormwater/Sanitary models based on the Geometric Network for our Municipal Govt in standalone geodatabases.  As best I can see LGIM is dead given ESRI is moving ahead with the Utility Network (UN) which is a separate Add-on for Enterprise and ArcGIS Pro.

I am however converting our models to Utility Network using a local geodatabase in ArcGIS Pro.  UN in a local geodatabase is still quite buggy and I am having issues with my water model.

Frequent Contributor

Yeah. It makes me sad that they have essentially abandoned the geodatabase schema model. It is immensely helpful and not all organizations want an AGOL/Portal based system. 

MVP Emeritus

I feel your pain with support: three years ago the peope you have been talking to were probably still in high school...

At any rate, I suspect the LGIM as you know it is in the rear view mirror;  when I google it, and go here: Documentation | ArcGIS Solutions for Local Government  it seems as though it's been broken down into different solutions.  I've been working with an address data management solution deployment for my agency.  You might have to stand up a number of solutions now that fit your needs.

That should just about do it....
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Frequent Contributor

Yeah, that's what I figured as well. It's a shame because the LGIM Schema is such a great solution for GIS deparments just coming online. It is essentially a road map of necessary data. Fortunately I was able to get it working (see my update above), but it really should be better documented and brought into ArcGIS Pro, in my opinion. 

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Occasional Contributor

The LGIM is not as extensive as what it was in the past, but it's still a good starting point. Those feature datasets/feature classes that were a part of the original LGIM can for the most part be found in the individual solutions found in the Local Government Solutions. I have never had much success when working with XRay in the past, but I was finally about to successfully change the spatial reference of the LGIM that you referenced. I'd recommend giving that another shot.

Something to consider as you are working through the data that exists within your new organization is whether that data should be user-managed or arcgis-managed. Here's a link to a white paper that gets into this conversation: User managed vs ArcGIS managed.

I am in the process of identifying which of my existing data in SDE will be managed in AGOL/Portal and which will continue to be managed in SDE. It's a process, but my conversations with esri staff indicate that I'm on the right path.

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