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ArcGIS online and clip zip and ship

11-05-2014 12:31 PM
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Deactivated User


I am new to arcGIS online and am wondering if there is a way  to clip Zip and Ship from the interface online with  out using Arc map.


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8 Replies
MVP Alum


the javascript API has an example:

ArcGIS API for JavaScript Sandbox


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Deactivated User

Thanks Tim

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Deactivated User

Hi Tim do you know if there is any documentation on how to actually use

this with in ArcGIS online?

I am not terribly techy.



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Emerging Contributor


Yes you can clip and ship from AGOL without using ArcMap.  First, add the layer you wish to clip to a map in AGOL.  Next, from the contents pane click on the triangle to the right of the layer and select Manage Data.  From the Manage Data tab choose Extract Data.  On the extract data tab you can choose to clip from a feature or you can draw a study area to clip your layer; once you have chosen how to extract the data hit the run analysis button.  AGOL when then preform the analysis and add the layer to your map. Share the layer, leave the map and find the new feature in the My Content section of your organization. Once you find the item go to the Item details view and select the Export function.  After the item exports it can then be downloaded as Zip file.

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Deactivated User

Great thanks so much Tim,

very helpful

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Deactivated User

Sorry Patrick (not Tim),

can you think of any reason why the manage data option does not appear for

me. I am using the full licence and have several test maps but they do not

offer the manage data in that drop down menu you pointed to?



On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Patrick Donahue <>

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Emerging Contributor


My first thought is that despite having full licensing perhaps your account is set to user privileges not publisher.  To check this go to the My Organization tab (I have attached a screen shot of this below), find your user name, then look at the role drop down—the options are Administrator, Publisher and User—if role is set to user sometimes, there can be issues consuming service credits which are required to perform any analysis.


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Deactivated User

Hi Patrick,


my roll is set to publisher (see screen shot) so i a still a bit confused.

There has been some talk around here about having to set a connection with

the server from Arc map that I am also not clear about. Would this be an

issue and if so is there any documentation out there that you know of?

Thanks so much for all the help


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