Hi All!
First of all I want to say that I'm very new to ArcGis but very enthousiastic to learn a new skill!
In my current masterproject I want to make a habitat prediction model of the eurasian otter (Lutra Lutra) in the Netherlands based on habitat factors. The otter is reintroduced in the netherlands and we now have an area (area 1) where otter is quite common and an area (area 2) where it is very rare yet. We want to know where we can expect the otter in area 2 in the future.
My idea was to divide my area's into grid cells of 1km2 and measure habitat factors like ph, tree coverage on banks, depth etc. and of course otter (non-)occurence in each grid cell. Based on the data in area 1 I could perform a multiple logistic regression to determine the influential habitat factors and make a model for habitat suitability in area 2 (where I also will measure these habitat factor per grid cell).
As I mentioned I'm very new to ArcGis and I'm not sure wether this is all possible. Besides that, before I begin to gather all the data I first want to know how this data can be used within ArcGis and how to make it suitable for ArcGis.
For now I have two questions:
1: First of all Is it possible to assign data (habitat factors) to grid cells so that each grid cell has its own habitat factors. Second, can you just input this data from an excel file with gridcell number-habitatfactor1-habitatfactor2 etc.?
2: To control for false negatives I want to do a spacial analysis of an "occurence" grid cell with the neighbouring "non-occurence" grid cells and look for similarities of the habitat factors. Is this possible in ArcGis?
You help would be really appreciated and if you have other tips for the whole project I would love to hear them!