
08-15-2024 08:40 AM
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Emerging Contributor

Hi Everyone,

I really appreciate that you re-posed my lane question in the User Group meeting. I can’t attend these meetings as it’s in the middle of the night for me in Australia, but I’m glad I could replay this and hear some other people’s experience with lanes.

We are on-par size wise with Washington DC, so it would definitely be feasible for us to maintain our road lane data if we could come up with a good way of modelling it. I will be trying to take Ayan's suggestion to use Subtypes and concurrent lanes events.

I can’t see the meeting notes however – so could someone please send me Cameron’s email? I’d like to chat with him about it.

Thank you for that.


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Frequent Contributor


Glad you can still listen later. You can download the pdf, at the end we add all the public chat messages. You can find Cameron’s email there. If not, let me know.
