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Rce Initial extent

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11-05-2021 08:58 AM
Occasional Contributor

I am having issues with the initial extent  RCE zooms to when it is loaded.

It is supposed to zoom to the extent of the LRS layer.  RCE is zooming to the extent of the basemap, essentially the whole world.

There is a javacript error in map.js at line 988

new ProjectionTask().project([ext], new SpatialReference(4326)).then(lang.hitch(this, function(geoms) {


ProjectionTask() is somewhere in (obfuscated...)  I cannot debug!

The error reported is:

Unable to reproject the LRS map service extent to GCS. Error: Error executing project
at Object.A.m.load ((index):1028)
at (index):1035
at c ((index):103)
at d ((index):103)
at b.Deferred.resolve.callback ((index):105)
at (index):1035
at h ((index):107)
at q ((index):107)
at d.resolve ((index):109)
at MessagePort.e ((index):1046)

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1 Solution

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Occasional Contributor

In the interest of the community I will divulge the solution to the issue.  For as yet unknown reasons, the geometry service on the server that hosts the LRS was turned off.  Another party in our org brought this to my attention.  I turned the geometry service on and our issue evaporated.  I let the support know too.

Maybe I can get the dunce badge for this?

View solution in original post

6 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Eddy,

I'd recommend opening a support case with Esri Technical Support.  They can help troubleshoot to determine what's going on with the initial extent when launching Event Editor.

ArcGIS Roads and Highways team

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Occasional Contributor

Thank you sir.  I have been working a case, 2926298.  I have been working with the tech for 3 days or so now.  We don't seem to be getting anywhere.

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Esri Contributor

Hello Eddy - 

I see you have reached out to technical support per Nathan's suggestion and you've definitely been connected to the right folks. I've seen the case and have a couple of suggestions in the meantime:

1) Please validate that the spatial references between your dev and test web services are exactly the same. Also validate whether any of the layers in your gist45 web services are empty. The spatial indexes on empty feature classes can impact initial web service loading extent into web maps.

2) As a general practice, we tend to advise customers to leverage portal web map authoring whenever possible for the Event Editor as there is immediate and fine grain control of the configuration experience that cannot be easily emulated with local webmap json. If you have access to the operational ArcGIS Enterprise portal hosting R&H content, can you please try to add each layer in your local webmap to a portal webmap and see if the same issue is being presented in Portal? Here's the resource doc: You can follow the section entitled "Using a web map on Portal for ArcGIS".





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Occasional Contributor

Thank you and Mr. Easley for being there. 

I will continue to work with the tech and not post further here until we have resolution.  I am under pressure to get this resolved and a collogue suggested I post to this forum.  I looked into what you suggested.  The support tech is aware of your questions and I included my findings in my response to support.  

On a side but related note, I am attaching a word document about the Get/Set Map Bounds widget I wrote for RCE.  It has been helpful for this investigation.  The reasons I had to write this widget is a tale of woe and misery not suited for polite conversation.

Happy Saturday!

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Occasional Contributor

In the interest of the community I will divulge the solution to the issue.  For as yet unknown reasons, the geometry service on the server that hosts the LRS was turned off.  Another party in our org brought this to my attention.  I turned the geometry service on and our issue evaporated.  I let the support know too.

Maybe I can get the dunce badge for this?

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Eddy,

Thanks for circling back to let everyone know what the cause of the issue was and glad you were able to get it working.

ArcGIS Roads and Highways team

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