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Tracking a Ghost

03-29-2016 07:26 PM
Labels (1)
Deactivated User

So i have been working for about two years to use GIS to find "The White Widow"

I have been having some problems and could use some help

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4 Replies
MVP Emeritus

If the request was all in lower case .... but you are specific ...

Given the upper case denotation, perhaps you might want to elaborate as to what issues a public forum could address.

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Deactivated User

I am having problems with finding information that is current and when I do I am tring to have a map fallowing her tracks and in doing so I can not get different years to show differently or should i make a map for each year

also where can i get reliable information on a wanted terrorist?

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MVP Emeritus

I am sure would be the goto group

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Deactivated User

they have no information that is up to date nor does Interpol

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