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Saving oriented images on none public cloud storages

08-22-2024 02:02 AM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

Hello everyone,

We are currently exploring the use of Oriented Imagery for our Mobile Mapping data, which involves managing hundreds of thousands of oriented images. Given the volume of data, it is logical and necessary for us to store these images on a BLOB Cloud-Storage. However, due to IT security reasons, we are unable to store these images on a public cloud. So we are not able to use the current capabilities to use the S3 bucket stored images.

Would it be possible to extend the Oriented Imagery capabilities to allow datasets to be stored in a package form on a cloud storage? Similar to how Point Cloud Scene Layer Content (.i3sRest) are handled. This package can then be added as an item using the Portal? This way the data can reside on a cloud storage but be accessed directly by the server and then relayed as needed to the oriented imagery widget or anything else.

Are there any other ideas or solutions to address this issue? We are open to suggestions that can help us leverage the scalability and efficiency of cloud storage while adhering to strict IT security policies.

Thank you!


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