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Enable use of time in the Experience Builder OIC widget

05-31-2022 11:42 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

I have an oriented imagery catalog comprised of images, taken at the same location on the hour. When I publish the imagery as an oriented imagery catalog (OIC) to ArcGIS Online, and then use it via the Oriented Imagery widget in Experience Builder, I can only select images according to the collection day. I cannot 'see' the time component (the hour). The drop down in the OIC widget in Experience Builder does not appear to honor the time portion in the AcquisitionDate field.

1 Comment

Hi Charlene, 

We have made an update to the Oriented Imagery API and it now supports using Hours as a time filter. 

The way to make use of it is as follows; 

1. Create an OIC and Add your images to it.  (Make sure the Acquisition Date is filled in with date and time.) 

2. Edit the .OIC file in a text editor. 

3. Add the json tag "TimeUnit": "hours" to the OIC.  It should look like this.. 


4. After adding the time filter you can publish the OIC. 

Now when you view the OIC you should see this the time filter your viewer..



Try it out and let me know if it worked for you. 


