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Esri Leaflet Related Records and Charting?

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10-29-2016 04:36 PM
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Frequent Contributor

Does anyone have a working example or a suggestion on a charting Javascript library to use with esri-leaftlet-related (GitHub - jgravois/esri-leaflet-related: esri leaflet plugin for querying related tables)?


For example, how would you produce a bar chart the # of bikes over time for this example:


I was thinking Cedar (cedar.js | Esri Cedar) might work well but I don't quite see how to use it with esri-leaftlet-related.


Thank you,


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i could be wrong, but i don't think there's anything cooked into Cedar to simplify creating a chart that plots the appearance of individual records in a table over time. You can see an example of a generic leaflet D3 chart plugin that displays elevation from input GeoJSON and GPX files below.

GitHub - MrMufflon/Leaflet.Elevation: Leaflet plugin to view height profile of GeoJSON- and GPX poly... 

We integrated the plugin in an esri-leaflet-gp demo here: 

I'm happy to lend a hand if you decide to tackle the project you described and get stuck along the way. Just write again here or log an issue in esri-leaflet-related and share what you've already tried.

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4 Replies
Deactivated User

i could be wrong, but i don't think there's anything cooked into Cedar to simplify creating a chart that plots the appearance of individual records in a table over time. You can see an example of a generic leaflet D3 chart plugin that displays elevation from input GeoJSON and GPX files below.

GitHub - MrMufflon/Leaflet.Elevation: Leaflet plugin to view height profile of GeoJSON- and GPX poly... 

We integrated the plugin in an esri-leaflet-gp demo here: 

I'm happy to lend a hand if you decide to tackle the project you described and get stuck along the way. Just write again here or log an issue in esri-leaflet-related and share what you've already tried.

Frequent Contributor

Thank you John.  I'll looking into the demo and see what I can come up with. -Bruce

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Frequent Contributor

Take a look at dc.js (dc.js - Dimensional Charting Javascript Library )

Here's a project that I came across that uses Leaflet in combination with dc.js & d3. Perhaps worth a look.

GitHub - austinlyons/dcjs-leaflet-untappd: Beer Drinking Data Vizualization using dc.js, Crossfilter... 

Frequent Contributor

Thank you Seth.  I'll give the librayr and example an in-depth look to see how it might fit into my project.  -Bruce

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