I'm trying to load feature table from feature service:
var seviceUri = new Uri("https://services9.arcgis.com/XzoULf2XO1iHwqzc/arcgis/rest/services/basivka/FeatureServer/");
var table = new ServiceFeatureTable(seviceUri);
await table.LoadAsync();
but every time I obtein "INVALID JSON" exception.
Dont know whot to do
You have to point the layer to the specific layer in the feature service such as `https://services9.arcgis.com/XzoULf2XO1iHwqzc/ArcGIS/rest/services/basivka/FeatureServer/0` instead of the service level. You can have multiple layers inside of one feature service so you will need to specify which of them you are using with a Feature Layer object in Runtime.