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I m unable to show ENC map getting error "layer could not be added to map because layer initialization failed" and "S57 dictionary not found". I have set symbols path too.

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08-20-2016 04:38 AM
Deactivated User

I want to show ENC chart in my WPF app but getting these error. I have also attached screen shot of error. I have set symbols path and manifest file too but no success.

<Window x:Class="ArcGISApp1.MainWindow"
<esri:MapView x:Name="MyMapView"
<!--<esri:ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer ID="Basemap" ServiceUri=""/>-->
<esri:GroupLayer ID="Hydrographic">
<hydro:HydrographicS57Layer ID="PK2NB58Z"

I think there is no issue at all in code. I dont understand what is the reason..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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31 Replies
Deactivated User

I would need to have more information what you are actually doing and what you mean with the previous comment to be able to give any more detailed answers for that. But basically the application needs to be licensed when it is deployed. Remember that if you have ArcGIS Online / Portal in your organization, you can sign in to license the app.

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Deactivated User

Our app is very simple n will work in disconnected mode. As I told u after displaying chart we have to display some symbols and their movement mean complete from where it started and where ended with any properties of symbol displayed in side panel. This is the full app. Do we still need to license the app and if so can u give me some contact (email) so thatI can discuss these things and the license plan?

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Deactivated User

Hi, I hva eseen ur ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET: Tips and Tricks video but in the attached samples there is no demo project for funky symbols..!! Can u provide me that bcz we r stuck only in specialized symbols using ArcGIS. If u have any other samples or some tips for custom symbols plz provide us. Thnaks.

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Deactivated User

You can contact your distributor for the licensing. Also have a look to licensing documentation.

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Sorry for the late reply...As I asked previously can I add custom drawing in charts?

Is there any page where I can see what can I do and what not?

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Deactivated User

You can work with GraphicsOverlays (On top of MapView.Map.Layers preferred way) or using GraphicsLayers (inside of MapView.Map.Layers collection) to add custom object to the MapView. Have a look samples in

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Deactivated User

Thanks. We also have contacted our local distributor but still confused about licensing.

As soon as we are exploring many things are coming to it possible to combine two maps such as loading tpk file and then ENC?

I did but as soon as I zoom to hydro layer the loaded tpk disappears. I tried to merge both but got error "Mix spatial references are not supported". Any suggestion?

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Deactivated User

You can use any number of layers in your map where they might be hydrographic, tile layers (local or online), feature layers etc.. Just make sure that you have all the data in the same Spatial Reference since we don't support multiple spatial references in a one MapView/Map.

When using TPKs make sure that you data from the area and all the scales you want to show. Read more about creating tile packages from

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Deactivated User

I mean if I have tpk file. I make this as my basemap n then load ENC on top of it...?

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Deactivated User

Yep, that's the way. Remember that you can dynamically add / remove layers too but just make sure that the tpk is rendered below the ENC on top of it. (read: lower index in layers collection).

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