Adding an "a" in the fourth position of the SIC code should return an anticipated/planned symbol with a dotted line but returns the same symbol as when a "p" is in the position.
MilitaryMessage message = new MilitaryMessage("1", MilitaryMessageType.PositionReport, MilitaryMessageAction.Update, new List<MapPoint>(){new MapPoint(0,0)});
message.SicCode = "SFGAEVAA--";
await MapView.LayersLoadedAsync();
Unfortunately the anticipated/planned status flag is not currently supported (Release notes for 10.2.4—ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET | ArcGIS for Developers) but is on the roadmap for a future release (along with Mil2525D support).
Any update on this yet? I couldn't find anything in release notes for 10.2.5 or 10.2.6 so I'm assuming you still don't support non-Present status on military symbols.
Is there an update on Anticpated/Planned symbols? Is there a version where this is expected to be implemented?
We are working on improved support for military symbols (including Mil2525C/D and App6B) for the next major release of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET in 2016. It will be based on the work in the Esri/military-features-data · GitHub repo and will provide support for the anticipated/planned status.
Is there any word on which release the improved military symbol support will be in? I didn't notice anything in the 10.2.7 release notes
The military symbology changes are planned for the upcoming Quartz release of the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET and are part some internal architectural changes to make military symbology more flexible than the original 'MessageProcessor' approach allowed for. We'll be releasing a Quartz beta within the next few months and we hope to include the new military symbology functionality in that beta.