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My Esri Release - October 3rd, 2018

10-02-2018 01:00 PM
Labels (1)

My Esri Release - October 3rd, 2018

Below is the list of key functionality and fixes that will be included in this My Esri release


My Esri Release Items



  • The date format for domestic customers in the Send Developer Subscription email has been updated.
  • Added "Created On" date field in the Authorization number details.
  • Added file activity time stamps to provisioning files.
  • Resolved the issue where provisioning files couldn't be cancelled.
  • Resolved the issue where the 'Send me a copy…' check box wasn't working in Create Provisioning File.
  • Resolved the issue where customers with only one type of product could not create provisioning file.




  • Updated Order History to show only items where the user is the end user partner in the order.
  • Fixed the issue where the Renew Maintenance Quote workflow was timing out.
  • Updated the format for the CC payment option in the Renew Maintenance Quote workflow.


Manage Users


  • Users who are admins within an organization now have an identifier by their names.




  • The issue where authorized callers couldn't escalate bugs has been resolved.
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Version history
Last update:
‎10-02-2018 01:00 PM
Updated by: