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Is there a way to symbolize based on related data with a 1:M relationship?

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07-03-2018 10:29 AM
New Contributor

I would like to symbolize based on related data. I have a feature class with points that have related inspection data in a separate table. There can be many inspections done on different days related to one point. I would like to be able to query the most recent inspection per point and symbolize based on the related attributes.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Christian,

Thank you for the request and I do have a few questions for you:

1. Can you explain what it is that you would like to visualize from the related table? Is it the status of the inspection?

2. Can you maintain a separate attribute on the feature table that is set when performing the latest inspection and render using it?

3. Is there a staleness to the inspections? 

Also, I should mention that with the June release of ArcGIS Online, new functionality was added to the Join Features analysis tool. There is an option to output a feature service view (which keeps you up to date - consider it an "in-memory" join). For this update it supports 1:1 and 1:M should be coming fairly soon (but no ETA on this yet).



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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Christian,

Thank you for the request and I do have a few questions for you:

1. Can you explain what it is that you would like to visualize from the related table? Is it the status of the inspection?

2. Can you maintain a separate attribute on the feature table that is set when performing the latest inspection and render using it?

3. Is there a staleness to the inspections? 

Also, I should mention that with the June release of ArcGIS Online, new functionality was added to the Join Features analysis tool. There is an option to output a feature service view (which keeps you up to date - consider it an "in-memory" join). For this update it supports 1:1 and 1:M should be coming fairly soon (but no ETA on this yet).



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