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11-29-2021 07:22 AM
Emerging Contributor

Greetings Colleagues,

I work as a travel demand modeler for the New Mexico DOT. That entails a fair amount of GIS work, which is why I decided to join the community. I hope to hear how others handle workflows and troubleshoot issues when the software has difficulty digesting a series of operations.

I currently use ArcMap for my work, and will eventually become familiar with ArcPro.


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Esri Community Manager

Welcome @DavidNelson3  to Esri Community. We have many useful places and information to explore and it is a great place to ask questions. Here are a few places in the community to get you started: 

Products - Esri Community

Transportation - Esri Community

Roads and Highways - Esri Community

State & Local Government - Esri Community

ArcMap - Esri Community

ArcGIS Pro - Esri Community (one of our most active places in the community, you are sure to find a lot of information as you start to learn more about ArcGIS Pro! )




Michelle Mathias
Manager, Community Experience & Programs