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Looking for Florida Keys Land Polygon

12-07-2021 09:28 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hello! I am in need of a Florida Keys land or coastline polygon. I have looked all over the place and I cannot seem to find an open source polygon/line of this area for the life of me! Anyone know where I could access this? Thanks!

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5 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

GIS Data (  quick google on Florida Keys shapefile... see if it has anything useful

... sort of retired...
Occasional Contributor

Hi Dan,

Thank you for the help! It seems to only be giving me the entire state of Florida but this can always work as I can use the clip tool:) Wish I was retired, thanks again!

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

No problem.

Clip or see if just selecting the features you want and using Copy Features or right-click on the layer, data, export data works

... sort of retired...
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MVP Esteemed Contributor

If you want some open-source options, I have a few favorites:

  1. OpenStreetMap
    1. You can query the database directly (the relevant tag is natural=coastline), using Overpass, then export to GeoJSON:
    2. You can get single-state extracts from Geofabrik as both shapefiles and PBF files, but this will be the entire state, and everythingin OSM. May be a bit much.
  2. Natural Earth: provides topical downloads of GIS data at different scales. You may be interested in the 10m scale version of land polygons. If that's still too coarse, I'd look at the OSM data.
- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
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Occasional Contributor

Hi Josh,

Thanks so much for the help. For the first option with the OSM, it seems to only be letting me export Marquesas Keys and not the entire keys strip. I am not too familiar with scripting so I am unsure how to fix this. Does that make sense?



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