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Different Symbology (marker&line) Based On Different Scale In Same Layer

12-26-2014 05:25 AM
Occasional Contributor


I need to show different symbology based on different scale in same layer (ArcMap). Without a second layer.

Can you help me, please?


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MVP Alum

It cannot be done with standard layer symbology.  There is no equivalent to label classes, which can apply multiple scale dependent settings to labels in a single layer, that applies to standard layer symbology.  The Labels tab has a "Scale Ranges..." button, which is required to set up that behavior, but the Symbology tab does not have any button like that.  Scale ranges only affect standard layer symbology by making it visible or invisible, not by altering any layer symbology settings.   You must create separate layers with separate scale ranges and symbology styles to do this with standard layer symbology, which most people manage in a group layer.

Representations possibly can do this, but I have never tried setting that up myself.  After looking at the help though it appears that even repesentations rely on different layers to control multiple scales, at the very least no help topic clearly explained how more than one representation rule based on scale range could be applied to a feature within a representation.  In fact, although it is a bit vague and unclear, it seems to suggest that multiple scale range control of representations may also possibly involve multiple layers of feature classes in this help topic:

  • Do you need to use this dataset at multiple scales? How will the representations change at each map scale? You may find that you'll need alternative feature class representations for use at other scale ranges. In these cases, you can consider additional feature classes for representing the same data theme for each scale range.

I do not believe that "alternative feature class representations for use at other scale ranges" can be applied within a single layer any more than multiple standard layer symbology configurations based on scale can be applied to a layer

You must adapt your requirements to fit the way the software works.  Sorry.

In general, Esri favors designing simple, limited rules for layers and geoprocessing operations that requires a user to generate a new layer or geoprocessing output any time they want to go beyond those rules, rather than designing complex, sophisticated rules that can make a single layer or geoprocessing operation serve a wider range of behaviors.