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Copy cartographic representations rules

01-14-2015 05:51 AM
Deactivated User


I have a FC with cartographic representations rules set, and I want to copy the rules to another FC.

If it was a normal symbology I would have save a layer file and change the data source, but unfortunately this trick isn't good enough for representations..

Is there a way to it?



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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor

Hai Asaf,

I am always working around with representation. I will give an idea to help you solve your problem using my way.

1. You have to save your representation rule first by right click on the feature class>properties, click at symbology tab, click at representation, select representation you want to use in other feature class click at > button and click on Save Rule

save rule.jpg

*This rule will be save in default style file ArcGIS in Representation Rule folder

save rule 2.jpg

2.  To use the representation rule in other feature class, first make sure the feature class already  convert to representation. Then, right click on the feature class>properties, click at symbology tab, click at representation to display the representation rule, click at > and click at Load Rule.

save rule3.jpg

Load Rule will direct you to default style or if you have your own style you can open the style file here.

Hope this will help you.

Thank You

Khadijah Nas