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05/05/2016 - PLSS 5 - PLSS Control Points and Adjustments

10-10-2016 02:28 PM
Esri Regular Contributor

This Land Records Meetup was the first meetup in a serie dedicated to the US Public Land Survey System (PLSS).


Identifying control projects, gathering control using web facing tools, managing control points, and the bringing them into the fabric are just a few of the possible steps for a complete survey control management system.  After the control is collected and documented, bring it into the fabric and apply it to the PLSS using least squares analysis and spatial adjustment techniques.  And be prepared because the results can surprise you.




Nancy von Meyer gisparcel


Dr. von Meyer is a land information professional (PE and RLS) with over 35 years experience in using automation to support improved land records management and decision support. She has successfully led cadastral standards development and implementation. Nancy is a subject area expert in land surveying, measurement analysis, GIS, land records, and data modeling topics.


Byron E. Johnson


Byron E. Johnson, PLS is a land surveyor with over 35 years of experience. He has experience in all applications of land development, also when self employed specializing in historic survey retracement, GPS, GIS and aerial mapping and imagery control networks and Land Descriptions. His recent experience is with BLM and as a contractor is developing the application of compiling survey records to update the CadNSDI utilizing the tools available in the Parcel Fabric for editing and updating the CadNSDI.

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