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02/16/2017 Parcel Fabric for ArcMap Geoprocessing Script Tools

02-17-2017 02:01 PM
Esri Regular Contributor

Parcel Fabric Geoprocessing tools have been organized and modified. You can now download them in a single location and easily deploy them.
The collection of toolboxes cover the following areas: data migration, feature adjustment, parcel fabric adjustment, export and reporting, field calculation and useful samples for python (script tools) developers.

In this meeting we'll demo how to get and deploy the tools + demo some of the tools we are excited about.

All the tools can be found in this location: 

12 Replies
Emerging Contributor

Is there a Parcel Fabric geoprocessing tool to automate drawing connections between parcels and control points?

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Esri Regular Contributor

Currently there is no geoprocessing tool or a geoprocessing script tool that can do that. One idea that comes to mind is exporting all the control points (maybe this step can be skipped), then running the geoprocessing Near tool to find the points that are closest to the control and then the geoprocessing XY To Line to generate line feature classes. You can then import all the lines as connection lines using the geoprocessing Load a Topology to a Parcel Fabric. The last help links also covers importing connection lines: 

The [Line feature class] Must Be Covered By Boundary Of [Polygon feature class] rule can be marked as an exception if the line is being migrated as a connection line or road centerline to the parcel fabric. Connection lines are lines that connect parcel points to control points or lines that connect blocks of parcels. If a line is being migrated as a connection line, there should be a Category field on the source lines attribute table and the category value should be set to 3 (for connection line).

More help documentation can be found under Loading Road centerlines.

The automatic creation of connection lines is on the product road map.


Emerging Contributor

Thanks Amir,

I will try the workflow you suggested and let you know how it goes.

Thanks again,


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