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CAD Data and Topology Rules

10-13-2015 09:48 PM
Occasional Contributor

I am Loading the 6 topology rules for the parcel fabric and am loading poly line and polygon feature classes derived from a CAD file. I am trying to see if I can replicate the 6 errors as shown in the topology rules and am can only seem to violate two types for line, 1 for point, and zero for polygon errors when i export the topology errors.  What am I doing wrong here?  I want to violate as many rules as possible so I can show the applicants that are submitting their data what the problems are with their parcel data set and document different scenarios.

Here are the rules I am using to validate and check against the CAD file.

“Must Not Self-Overlap (Polyline)”, "Must Not Self-Intersect (Polyline)", "Must Be Single Part (Polyline)", "Must Not Intersect Or Touch Interior (Polyline)", "Must Be Covered By Boundary Of (Polyline-Polygon)", "Boundary Must Be Covered By (Polygon-Polyline)" (ESRI, 2015)

Attached is the CAD, and exported layer files from the validated topology.



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2 Replies
MVP Alum

Firstly, the attached lyr files are not very useful in looking at you data because they do not contain any data, simply symbology and pointing at data on your local machine (c:/...../CADD.gdb).

I did look at the CAD file however. It contains only polylines and some annotation. There are no polygons to validate.

If this is how your data arrives, you may want to look at the Data Interop extension (FME) to translate the polylines to polygons.

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Occasional Contributor


I can get some better examples.  I am creating the polygons from the polylines in the CAD file before I load it into the topology. 

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