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Dell Laptop 7710 i7 or Xeon and Accesories

06-03-2016 11:38 AM
Occasional Contributor

Considering both ArcGIS Runtime for Java as well as just using ArcGIS Desktop, is there any advantage to getting a laptop with a Xeon processor with ECC memory as opposed to a laptop with an i7 processor with non-ECC memory.  We are looking to replace out Dell M6600 with the latest Dell 7710 laptop and I am trying to figure out if I should go with Xeon or I7.  Cost difference is not much and not a concern.

Also wanted to know if ArcGIS supports any of the accessories at:

3Dconnexion : 3Dconnexion Shop

such as the SpacePilot Pro or SpaceNavigator

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3 Replies
MVP Emeritus

requirements for all ArcGIS 10.4.x for Desktop system requirements—System Requirements | ArcGIS for Desktop

and ArcObjects SDK 10.4.x system requirements—System Requirements | ArcGIS for Desktop

is pretty well all thtat is out there unless someone currently runs botth configurations

Occasional Contributor

Thanks, but while these sites show minimum requirements, they don't add any info regarding benefits of i7 or Xeon.  I already am running ArcGIS on a Dell m6700 with Intel i7.  Now that I am looking to upgrade my laptop, I would like to know if going Xeon with ECC gives me any more of an advantage.

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MVP Emeritus

Yes those are minimums and not realistic for very long.  I haven't seen any benchmark of the various processors etc using Arc*, too many variables I suppose.  As for ECC memory, there are tradeoffs... how many memory errors have you experienced that you know about (which seems to be the primary focus, but not the sole one).  Desktops are my mainstay and I get them built from components. For a finite amount of money I spend it on memory and video, quality first, quantity second.  A laptop requirement would reduce what could be delivered.  That is a price of portability I suppose.

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