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We are considering moving from ArcGIS 10.2.2 to ArcGIS 10.7.1 . I'm trying to find something that clearly lays out the advantages and ROI of this move esp on the DB side. There is interest in house and for some clients. Can amybody send me to a source

02-07-2020 01:42 PM
Emerging Contributor

Nothing for right now other than a big THANK YOU!

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12 Replies
Emerging Contributor this info?  Thank you so very much!

I'm adding this because I hope it didn't cut off my request.

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Emerging Contributor

I also wrote this originally but I think it got cut off...please feel free to share your experiences.  If you want to summarize or be specific that is your choice.  I'll take whatever info you generously can give.  Thanks again for your time and assistance.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi John,

> We are considering moving from ArcGIS 10.2.2 to ArcGIS 10.7.1 .  I'm trying to find something that clearly lays out the advantages  and ROI of this move esp on the DB side.

Are you asking about the entire ArcGIS platform/stack in general? or for a specific aspect, like ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Enterprise (previously called ArcGIS Server)?

In terms of advantages, you can review the various "What's New" help topics with each release for each product. At each release, we added new capabilities. For ArcGIS Desktop, since 10.2.2 - we released the next generation desktop app called ArcGIS Pro, which has an improved UI/UX, more GIS functionality, performs better (it is a 64-bit app), and is designed to be more tightly integrated with the Web GIS pattern than ArcMap.

FYI, also be aware that ArcGIS 10.2.2 is now officially retired since July 2019.

Esri Support ArcMap 10.7 (10.7.1) - Product Life Cycle

On the database side, do you mean in terms of the geodatabase data model? or support for database data in general? Please take a look at this help topic: What's new in ArcMap—ArcGIS Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

One notable enhancement on the geodatabase side is the new branch versioning model,

Enterprise data management strategies—Geodatabases | Documentation 

Hope this helps,

Emerging Contributor

Hi Derek.

Thanks so much for your reply!

I would say more in general.  We have many products but for now I really only care about ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Server.

I should say something for clarity...the Desktop and Server (sorry...enterprise) products we use are all 10.5 - 10.7.  The thing that is still 10.2.2 is the database.  So the advantages (enhancements) and ROI I'm concerned about are really moving the DB to 10.7.  I'm aware that ALL software will have to be at that point 10.7.

So I would like some specifics if possible but generalities for now are fine.  I appreciate whatever you and others have.  I will look at the docs you mentioned again but I did find them a little confusing.  Hopefully they apply to 10.7 not ArcGIS Pro which we aren't considering at this time.

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Esri Notable Contributor

Moving the Enterprise Geodatabase to a newer version is usually not a problem. Most older clients can connect to new DB's, just not take advantage of any new functionality like Branch Versioning (as Derek mentioned above). I would recommend upgrading to the "newest" version that you have installed, i.e. 10.7.

Upgrading the geodatabase will allow you to take advantage of the latest functionality that is available and includes any fixes since the 10.2.2 release.

I will say that usually the DB upgrade is an easy and fairly quick process.

--- George T.
Emerging Contributor

Hi George.  Thanks so much for your reply!

I agree that upgrading is good but you have to make sure that something that is using some function that is now discontinued in the newer version is addressed and recreated in the new functionality.  As this is simply a DB upgrade and not a software upgrade things should be more simple.  But as even you said it is usually...usually a simple process

Let me ask you this...what would you think are a few ROI...return on investment...benefits and/or advantages?  I have a few in mind but I'm curious what you all think.

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Emerging Contributor

One thing though George...Branch versioning isn't available with ArcMap...only ArcGIS Pro 2.1 or later

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Esri Notable Contributor

I would say that determining an ROI with regards to the DB would be very difficult. The main ROI for you, in my opinion, would be:

1. Getting to a supported version - This is HUGE!

2. Taking advantage of new RDBMS performance (if you are moving to a new RDBMS version as part of the upgrade)

3. Able to support newer functionality and capabilities along with any bug fixes that impacted the DB.

Just remember that most of the data is housed in the DB and keeping it in a good place (version, maintenance, etc.) is very important.

--- George T.
Emerging Contributor

Agreed.  Now that I think about it more I'm kinda mixing advantages/benefits and ROI (as a percentage calculation).  From what you and Derek said I think an easy ROI would be 40% plus based on doing the DB upgrade from 10.2.2 to 10.7.1.  If it was something like 10.5 to 10.7.1 I would say the advantages would be much less significant but the support item along would give me more than 40%.  I know to do this I have to get the formal costs worked out but it shouldn't be nothing more than time for a person or 2.  Even that shouldn't be a lot of time.  What do you think...a moderately competent GIS person...24 - 36 hours putting in some time for an issue or 2?  I accessing my experience for both the ROI estimation and the hours needed.  Thanks again George!

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