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How connected is your city?: New Transit Access Theme in the Urban Observatory

12-09-2014 01:45 PM
Occasional Contributor
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Which areas in a city have easy access to public transportation? Check out the new Transit Access theme in the Urban Observatory to find out!

This access map reveals areas that are 1/4 mile, 1/2 mile, and 1 km away from the nearest bus, metro or train stop.  These distances equate to around a 5, 10, and 12 minute walk, typically.

Transit locations are from the GTFS Data Exchange. Access is based on a walkability analysis in ArcGIS, using Network Analyst and HERE streets data in StreetMap Premium.


About the Author
A geographer and storyteller, Jennifer is a lover of all things maps. She is the product manager for ArcGIS StoryMaps and is passionate about improving the storytelling experience and advocating for authors and readers. Explore ArcGIS StoryMaps to tell your story!