Hello Dear GIS users.
Could you please advise with question regarding BAG file?
Look forward
either your extents are different or they use a different method of referencing the grid. esri uses the center of the cell to denote position when creating rasters, other software may use a different location. In any event, they seem to be shifted by 1/2 cell size in the x and maybe 1 in the y direction. You will need to confirm the extents and cell sizes. Also, in arcmap, it is wise to use a snap raster to ensure that cell edges etc align properly
Hello Dan,
I don't understand how to confirm extend in ArcGIS& Is it special tool for do this?
right-click on a layer, select properties to bring up the layer properties and all the information is there ... check the Source tab.
Repeat for all layers since ArcMap does projection on the fly to make things 'look' aligned when they may in fact be in different coordinate systems.
I test tthat you recomended. It is take extent and data from source that I show in Source tab.
Is it possible to change extent using another raster?
if they are in the same coordinate system, otherwise you are talking about a projection
2 rasters in the same projection.
not sure why you want to use a different extent, but I think you are wanting to Shift—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop the raster
Thank you very much.
Anzhelika, please close this thread if it was answered so others know a solution was arrived at.