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Can't enable archiving on feature datasets

11-04-2014 12:19 PM
Frequent Contributor

In order to enable offline sync I need to enable archiving on an unregistered data set, but when I un-register the dataset I'm unable to enable archiving.  The menu option is grayed out and when I try using the geotool I get an error, Cannot Enable Archiving on a Non-Simple data set.  Does anyone know how I can "simplify" my data set?  Thanks.

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6 Replies
Frequent Contributor

ArcGIS 10.1 or 10.2, Geodatabse and Desktop? There have been changes to this... in 10.2 you can enable archiving on data that is registered as versioned. In ESRI's lingo non-simple data is data that participates in a network, parcel fabric, topologies, etc. (not sure of the full list, you could Google)

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Desktop is 10.2.2 and server is either 10.2 or 10.2.2.  That kind of makes sense since I'm doing this on the WaterDistribution data set in ESRI's Local Government Information Model, which has a geometric network for water pipes.  But if I register the data set and then enable archiving, I won't be able to sync the data offline as the data set has to be unregistered to work.  But their documentation uses offline data on these data sets.

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Frequent Contributor

"But their documentation uses offline data on these data sets."

Can you please send a link to the documentation? Thanks.

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That example uses two simple point feature classes.

So, since you are using ESRI's Local Government Information Model, you have two options:

1. change your data model (--> to use only simple data)

2. make do without offline functionality

Sorry.  I'm in the same boat.

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Deactivated User

What version of Desktop and sde geodatabase are you using?

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