Hello Community, I am working on a project with Field map, I want to design the Field map such the field workers can only edit the feature with a certain radius. The geofence concept works but it only gives notification , I want to it to prevent those out of the geofence no able to edit data on the field map
I am not sure if this is possible with geofence. The only two actions are "Location Alert" and "Location Sharing"
Hi @KwabenaDenteh1 ,
I think you could acheive this using Arcade in your form, applied to the 'Editable' logic.
I've written a blog outlining this here: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-field-maps-blog/configure-an-editing-geofence-in-your-form-usin...
For what you've described, the challenge would be to take this Arcade sample a step further using Buffer function around the relevant features that you want to use as the origin of your radius. Alternatively, if you already have a polygon layer representing your boundary, that can be queried as per the blog above ^