We have looked for this as well and while we know it's possible for the individual users to obtain copies of their personal transcripts there's no easy way for admins to get those details. It'd be great if administrators could pull reports for all their Organizational linked users to understand and see what courses are being taken, how many complete the courses they start, and much more that our organization could benefit from knowing how the users are utilizing the trainings.
Hi Omur and Scott, e-Learning (and instructor-led) activity reports are available through the My Esri site. My Esri administrators can pull those reports. Note that in an upcoming My Esri release the reporting functionality will be improved to make it easier to view the training dates for multiple individuals at once.
This is accessed via MyESRI but you must have the extra Training tab available correct?
Which by default only the Organizations primary point of contact has and that person must assign other Organizational admins to have the Training permissions within MyESRI as I recall.
Scott, yes, all My Esri administrators with the "View training information" permission can access e-Learning and instructor-led activity reports.
Thank you for the information. I successfully downloaded e-learning activity report
I'm looking forward to using the upcoming My Esri release.