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Introduction to GIS Using ArcGIS Class Resources

12-01-2020 10:21 AM
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Introduction to GIS Using ArcGIS Class Resources

This two-day course teaches the fundamental concepts that underlie GIS technology and geographic data. The following resources serve as an entry point for anyone working with ArcGIS. They provide opportunities to gain experience using GIS maps to visualize and explore real-world features; analyze data to answer questions and create new information; and share maps, data, and other resources, so they can be easily accessed throughout your organization.


Lesson 1 - Welcome to GIS

Lesson 2 - GIS data

  • Introduction to Spatial Data - This 1.5-hour web course explores vector and raster data, the two spatial data models used to represent real-world features and phenomena
  • Get started with imagery - In this 30-minute Learn ArcGIS lesson, discover the capabilities of imagery, you'll travel around the world and look through the lenses of several band combinations on the electromagnetic spectrum, including some invisible to the human eye.
  • Searching for geographic data in ArcGIS
    • ArcGIS Online Basics - In this free <almost> 2-hour web course you will learn what ArcGIS Online is and the benefits that you and your organization can gain by using it
    • Introduction to ArcGIS Hub - This 5-minute video shows how governments can use open data and transparency to connect with constituents on issues that matter.
    • ArcGIS Online - Contains galleries of many online GIS data sources you can connect to and use in your web maps, apps, and in ArcGIS Pro
    • Living Atlas of the World - The foremost collection of geographic information form around the world.
    • ArcGIS Hub - A community engagement platform that allows organizations to share their authoritative data with the community

Lesson 3 - Managing GIS data

  • What is a geodatabase?
  • Integrating Data in ArcGIS Pro - In this 1.25-hour web course you will learn about some common types of data used for GIS mapping and analysis, and practice adding data to a file geodatabase to support a planned project.
  • Map layer basics - In this 2 hour web course, adjust map layer display properties.
  • Types of web layers - Details the types of web layers you can publish to or add to an ArcGIS portal as an item

Lesson 4 - Exploring coordinate systems

Lesson 5 - Mapping and visualization

Lesson 6 - Spatial analysis

  • Use the analysis tools – Here you will find information about accessing and using the analysis tools
  • Getting Started with Spatial Analysis – In just over an hour, you will explore the six categories of spatial analysis and how to apply the spatial analysis workflow to help you answer geographic questions related to your own work

Lesson 7 - Putting GIS to use

Additional Instructor-Led Training and Web Courses

  • ArcGIS Pro: Essential Workflows  - This instructor-led course introduces techniques and general best practices to map, manage, analyze, and share GIS data and maps using ArcGIS Pro.
  • ArcGIS Online Essential Workflows - This  instructor-led course introduces the creation web maps, apps, and other authoritative content that may be available through your ArcGIS Online organizational site.


  • The Language of Spatial Analysis (e-book) - designed as an interactive workbook that allows you to create and add your own sample questions of spatial analysis (from your industry or domain expertise), which can add to your vocabulary when explaining spatial analysis to others.
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Version history
Last update:
‎09-05-2023 01:36 PM
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