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FAQ - General

01-31-2018 04:24 PM

FAQ - General

Esri Redistricting

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Esri Redistricting?

Esri Redistricting is a web-based solution that enables state and local governments, advocacy groups, and citizens to complete official, regulation-compliant redistricting plans and share them directly with specific stakeholders or the public. The foundation of the solution is Esri’s proven ArcGIS software platform and pertinent data set components.

Esri Redistricting provides comprehensive features and functionality for plan creation, management, visualization, editing and community collaboration.

Where can I try Esri Redistricting?

Esri Redistricting is available on the ArcGIS Marketplace, with an option to try a 15-day free trial of the application.


What are the current offerings for Esri Redistricting?

Esri Redistricting

There are a few options available to support the redistricting process using Esri Redistricting:

On-Premises Deployment:

Hosted at the customers’ facility, provides flexibility to integrate custom variables, units, or demographics. The customer has full control over adding users, customization, and management of the application. Also, offers opportunities for citizen engagement with the ability for the community to submit redistricting plans.

Esri Managed Cloud Services (EMCS) Deployment:

Esri Redistricting Online can be paired with EMCS as a deployment option for customers who do not have IT staff that are well-experienced in supporting enterprise GIS systems. By taking advantage of the Managed Services deployment option, the Esri Redistricting user experience is completely web-based and does not require the customer to plan for the infrastructure and resources required to manage and maintain the software, hardware and data components. 

Individual-Use SaaS Licenses

Hosted by Esri and delivered as software-as-a-service, Esri Redistricting doesn't require installing or maintaining any software. All you need is a Web browser. Esri Redistricting is available on the ArcGIS Marketplace, with options for to test the application with a 15-day free trial, and to purchase individual licenses at $4,500 per user per year.


Districting for ArcGIS Desktop Extension

We also have our free add-on to ArcGIS Desktop which doesn’t have all the capabilities and sharing abilities that our Online tool has, but works for smaller organizations. Unfortunately, we do not yet have an ArcGIS Pro extension available at this time.


Is there is a difference in the Esri Redistricting and Districting for ArcGIS?

At a high-level, here are the distinguishing features between the two:


  • Districting for ArcGIS is a free ArcMap add-on that allows you to create districting plans using your own geographic data and attribute information. This does require you to have an ArcGIS license and knowledge of ArcGIS Desktop tools (ex. This add-on takes advantage of ArcMap and the out-of-the-box suite of tools with ArcGIS for further GIS analysis).

Districting for ArcGIS has an add-on for ArcGIS versions 10 through 10.5 and is available for download here.


  • Esri Redistricting is a web-based Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) solution for creating districting plans. As a lightweight application, you don’t need to install or maintain software; the application and tools are served over the web. Esri Redistricting includes pre-processed Census 2000, 2010 TIGER, 2020 (when available) and Public Law (P.L) 94-171 data with ready-to-use basemaps, reports, design and review tools, and demographic information in an easy-to-use interface.

A free 15-day trial of Esri Redistricting is available on the ArcGIS Marketplace, allowing you to get hands-on exposure to the application and its features.

New Contributor

What does the “Upgrade” button do exactly in the ESRI Redistricting Online software? Is there any additional cost?


Basically I was trying to move my plans from “Recent Plans” to “My Plans” in the open plan window, I went to hit export button and accidently hit Upgrade button. It move my plans into “My Plan” folder but I want to make sure this doesn’t create additional cost to the ArcGIS Online account.





Version history
Last update:
‎01-31-2018 04:24 PM
Updated by: