trying to convert a .tff to a .lyr so that I can clip it. The .tff was originally a geopdf....or does anyone know where I can get free collerless USGS 7.5 minute quads for california.

03-22-2016 11:39 AM
Deactivated User

Program: ArcGIS 10.3

Need: Trying to get a free basemap for georeferencing a historic map so that I can overlay it in my project area. Attempted to use ESRI's USGS National Basemap so that I could georeference a scanned historic map to overlay in my project area.

Problem Encountered: Using a work computer. Have both a stand alone liscense as well as a Citrix based liscense. Regardless of what liscense I use, my systems are being bogged down by two seperate server security settings and however long it takes for the ESRI server to get my basemap loaded so that i can set the reference points. 15 minuten wait at various scales.

Strategy: Tried to find a different free basemap that I could use to finish the georeferencing process

Data Mining: Looked for free USGS 7.5 minute quads. for California (DRG or spatially referenced anything will do as long as I dont have to pay for it). The only thing in found was the USGS websites (free GeoPDF's). Ended up converting thoste to .tff (not sure if the conversion process is part of the problem).

Strategy: .tff converted to a .lyr through conversion and export option. Also created statistics in hopes of filling in any spatial referencing points that might have gotten missed with multiple conversions.  

.lyrs were brought into the 10.3 environment but provided an error message:

000840 : The value is not a <value>.


     The value specified is not a correct input parameter for that particular tool.


     Set the parameter to a value or field or file of the type specified in the error message.

Tried to set the parameters in the Environment settings but not sure if I did it correctly. Regardless,

Same error message occurs.

000840 : The value is not a <value>.


     The value specified is not a correct input parameter for that particular tool.


     Set the parameter to a value or field or file of the type specified in the error message.

Help!! Any thoughts or old fashioned know how?

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor

Not sure if this is what you are looking for... Some of the topo may be old but ...worth to check it out.

USGS Historical Topographic Maps | topoView

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MVP Regular Contributor

I think you're getting your terminology and tools confused.

A layer (.lyr) is not data. Layers just store symbology, labelling, etc. and a link to the underlying data, which can be raster, vector, an online service of some description, or some other data type.

I think you're trying to use the wrong Clip  tool.  Instead of the Clip tool​ in the Analysis toolbox, which is for vector data, use the Clip tool​ in the Data Management->Raster->Raster Processing toolset.

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