ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 (sp2)
ArcSDE 10.1 (sp2) on Oracle
ST_Geometry storage type
Editors working in protected versions that they own, SDE.Default is protected.
Data is all stored in GCS NAD 1983
Occasionally our editors report that they are no longer able to display certain feature classes in ArcMap. Typically it is because the spatial envelope of the feature class has been expanded to unrealistic values in the max-x and max-y for geographic...
Typical extents in our data:
Layer Envelope .......:
minx: -125.00000, miny: 41.00000
maxx: -116.00000, maxy: 50.00000
But sometimes we get max-x and max-y values of 500,000 or even over 1,000,000... certainly not likely values for degrees of latitude/longitude.
Resetting these values we know how do... I'd be curious if anyone knows what causes these envelopes to change to such values?
The editors are using standard ArcMap tools for entering geometry. Sometimes they edit in the projection of the SDE data, sometime they switch the data frame to UTM. Data loaded from other sources is typically via the copy/paste tools. I've run several tests with source data in the 3 most common projections our user's would obtain data in, and matched those with common data frame projections they might edit in, but haven't been able to reproduce the change to the envelope values. If anyone has seen this issue and found a possible cause we'd like to know... I think we reset an envelope every couple of weeks on at least on of our 40+ editable feature classes.