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Raster Select by Location?

11-21-2012 10:52 AM
New Contributor
Hello, I am a student relatively new to GIS, and even more novice to Raster datasets.  I am working with two Raster datasets and would like to select the cell information from one where it is contained within the second raster's area.  Its as if im searching for a raster clip feature or ability to select by attributes for raster; I tried to mosaic the two together, but was never successful and the tool deleted the raster file, who's area I am interested in clipping.  I also tried running zonal statistics as a table, and selected all as the STAT_TYPE; I recieved results, but would if possible like to get the data cell by cell for the VALUE_RASTER, not just an average number in the MEAN field.  Is there anything else I could try that might give me the results I desire?  As a side note if I wanted to calculate geometry for a raster, would it just be multiplying the cell size by the count, or is there a way to do it in GIS like the calculate geometry is for shapefiles.  Sorry about my wording, I really don't know the best way to explain it...yet.

Thanks for your time,
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