No, version name is completely orthogonal to table ownership.
Sol and I recommended that you create at least one new user, not associated with any
individual login, to own the spatial data. For example, I have a QA database with,
USA, EUROPE, and WORLD owners, who own the Usa.Highways_2m, Europe.Highways_2m,
and World.Highways_15m feature classes. Others use departments or data sources as
owners (usgs.highways, census.blockgroups,...), or at a minimum a single owner
(projecta.table1). This reduces the opportunity of accidently destroying the entire
geodatabase with a single unfortunate script or SQL command, isolates data from
individuals ("Who's Bob?" "Oh, he left years ago, but he created our geodatabase...")
and gives you the opportunity to follow the rest of best practices by creating roles
for table management, and granting access to users through roles.
- V